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How a Car Accident Attorney Makes Your Life Easier

Moving forward after a severe car crash isn’t easy. Talking to the insurance companies, covering medical bills, and figuring out the paperwork is stressful enough; throw in a serious injury and lost hours at work, and it becomes a nightmare. With everything to worry about, it’s no wonder that many people hurt in a car crash hire an attorney to help them move forward. But how does a car accident attorney make your life easier? Allow us to explain.

Handling the Busywork

The piles of paperwork that come with a serious car crash can take a toll on your well-being. To start, you need to report the crash, get a police report, have your doctor’s report, and report lost wages at work. If your case is particularly difficult, you may need to file a claim with the courts. An attorney on your side can handle all of this busywork on your behalf, giving you time to focus solely on your recovery.

When choosing a car accident attorney, it’s wise to pick a firm with trial experience. Your case may not go to court, but it’s critical that you have an attorney who is prepared to take your case as far as it needs to go.

Negotiating on Your Behalf

One of the most difficult parts of any car crash case is the negotiation, as it’s a two-fold process. First, the insurance company determines who was at fault for the crash and assigns each driver involved a percentage amount adding up to 100%. Once fault is assigned, the insurance companies determine a monetary amount for the damages.

Your attorney can use all the available information, including the police report, security footage, forensic crash analysis, and witness testimony, to determine who was at fault for the crash. Because Georgia is a comparative negligence state, even a few percentage points of redistributed fault can have an enormous impact on your recovery.

At the same time, the insurance company is eager to use your words against you so they can shift your fault and paying the damages you’re entitled to. Your attorney will carefully craft your case and lay out all the evidence to avoid these miscommunications.

Focusing on Your Recovery

When you’ve suffered severe injuries in a car crash, worrying about work and your insurance should be the last thing on your mind. When you’re hurt, you need to focus on taking care of yourself and getting better. You need to preserve your time and energy for therapy, doctor’s appointments, and self-care.

When you hire a car accident attorney, they’ll handle everything on your behalf, providing you regular updates as your case progresses. An attorney eliminates the daily stresses and anxieties about your car crash case so you can focus on what’s most important.

If you’re nervous about medical bills or consider skipping them altogether to avoid co-pays, you should talk to your attorney. An experienced attorney can negotiate with your doctor to establish continued care until you’re able to cover your bills. At the same time, if the car crash leads you to feelings of anxiety, depression, or PTSD, your attorney can help you find professional help to manage the grief.

Earning the Settlement You Deserve

There are few things more terrifying than having a huge repair estimate and mounting medical bills only for the insurance company to offer less than you need to move forward. An attorney on your side will fight for the full amount you are entitled to under the law. Most importantly, you typically don’t pay for their services until you have your settlement.

Remember that the overwhelming majority of successful car crash cases are made with the help of an attorney. Not only that, but those who hire an attorney typically receive a significantly higher settlement than the few who represent a case themselves.

Your car accident attorney is there for you from start to finish. They’re committed to seeking justice for your injuries while you relax and focus on what’s most important: feeling better.

If you or someone you love suffered severe injuries in a car crash crash, you might have a case. If you’d like an experienced Riverdale car accident attorney from Law Offices of Falanga & Chalker to evaluate your case, please don’t hesitate to send us an email or call (470) 450-1164.
